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Junior Page

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", February 1977, page 41

Dear Crown Gewel, 

My Papa has won first place in the insulator show. I am very proud of him to. I no some things about insulators. He has six cases of insulators and 5-1/2 cabnets of them. He also has a hole tin house of them to. My Daddy had them to until he sold them. My Papa has so many that there on the floor and on top of the cases. The reason he as so many is because he works for the telephone company. One time my Papa was on Channel 6 news because he won first place at the insulator show and he got to tell what the insulators were worth and how much he paid for them! I don't think my Grandma likes them very much But I do! and here is a drawing of the insulator case that I drue myself 
Stephanie Rash

P.S. My Papa is A. I. Rash. I am only 11 years old.

Dear Mrs. Harned,

 I have been building some things in woodshop at school that Dee Willett said I should tell you about. 

They are wooden devices that measure insulators. (See pictures at left.) They are especially good for measuring porcelain so you can find the U number. They measure in both inches and centimeters. 

The idea of it is like the thing to measure your foot when you buy new shoes.
David Brown 
Exeter, Cal.

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